Painting on the Wall

Find Your Original Art

Ars Amica  offers a collection of unique, collectible pieces of splendorous art gifts. They are perfect for strong individuals who will take nothing but inspiring art for their living space. Expressive artworks give energy and warmth to home or office and reflect exclusive personal style.

Those who know that art is more then just a pretty picture and they would love to share their love for beautiful things by giving a special gift to someone or themselves, have come to the right place. Make a choice and go for the right image that will turn your house into a home, leave a lasting impression by envisioning the right artwork in the office, or just creating a feeling or a conception in someone else’s memory.

Welcome To Ars Amica Store

The whole idea behind the art in our space is that it reduces stress, stimulates creativity, and communicates higher energy. A beautiful piece of art that speaks and transmits these qualities could be the most honorable present to give to the ones we truly care about or respect.

Ars Amica Store is also about downloadable, original pieces of Design Elements. They are hand-drawn and painted first, and then processed in computer applications. Ars Amica also holds an educational program in Studiolo School of Graphic Design where one can learn and develop graphic design skills through Adobe software for creative professionals.

For Ars Amica to become a memorable web spot we have prepared a collection of  T-shirts with unique designs that will make you stand out from the crowd. 

“Art has an alchemical effect on the imagination. It awakens the senses and sharpens insights, teaching us to think in symbols, metaphors, and to de-code complexity, so we can perceive the world in new ways”, says Linda Naiman. We should listen to Art, especially when it slows us down while the whole world is telling us to hurry…


Explore Ars Amica Store

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Look for Fine Art Paintings, Fine Art Graphic Design Elements or Printed T-Shirt …